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Several health and nutrition experts agree that because breakfast is crucial to leading a healthy lifestyle, it is the “king of all meals. This does not imply that other meals are less important in any manner. Some people decide not to eat dinner because they believe that doing so will lead them to gain weight. This may occasionally not only disrupt the system but also promote weight gain.. It seems that timing your meals may be as as important as what you eat. Longtime advocates of Wellhealthorganic.com:ayurveda-dinner and health have emphasised the importance of eating a lighter but yet balanced dinner. Certain meals must be avoided at night because they cause trouble in your stomach.

According to Wellhealthorganic.com:ayurveda-dinner, a kapha dosha imbalance. Avoid eating meals that are heavy in simple carbs and have a high glycemic index at night, including fatty foods, frozen prepared foods, ice creams, etc. If you still want to eat them, do so in moderation. When eaten after midnight, several foods can result in weight gain and a sluggish metabolism.


Anything we eat should be able to balance kapha rather than feed it because, according to Ayurveda, kapha governs the second half of the day.. Here are 8 Ayurveda recommendations for scrumptious evening meals:

At night, eat low-carb, nutritious foods.

This is mainly because low-carb diets are easier to digest. If you eat a lot of food at night, it will keep you up and you can feel dizzy the next day.

Instead of curd, use buttermilk.

It’s time to stop eating curd or dahi at night if you’re one of those people who prefers to do so. Ayurveda claims that curd has sour and sweet qualities and that it elevates kapha dosha in the body. The kapha dosha naturally predominates in the body during night. The nasal passages may become too mucousy as a result of this imbalance.


Using moderation is crucial.

Establish a limit for your food intake, especially at night. Ayurveda advises eating a light dinner since it will promote restful sleep. Also, our digestive system is sluggish late at night, making it challenging for our bodies to digest substantial meals. Dr. Vasant Lad, an expert in ayurveda, “Never consume more food at a meal than you can comfortably handle in two cupped hands. Overeating causes the stomach to swell, making you feel as though you need more food. The digestive system produces poisons as a result of overeating.” Give yourself at least 2-3 hours between eating dinner and going to bed.

At night, consume extra protein-rich foods.

Your evening meal should include curry leaves, green leafy vegetables, and pulses and lentils. In order to maintain your digestive system functioning properly at night, it is advisable to eat more protein and fewer carbohydrates.


After 7 PM, avoid salt. Certainly, that can be a little challenging, especially if you’re planning a dinner party. But be cautious to limit your intake of salt as much as you can each day after sunset. It is believed that salt causes the body to retain more water.. As we continue to overindulge in sodium at supper, we expose our heart and blood vessels to a higher risk of high blood pressure at night.

Your supper recipes should contain extra spices.

Spices not only provide your meal a fragrant flavour, but they also have several health benefits. Spices make you feel warmer and may help you lose weight by reducing your hunger. Your nighttime meals should include extra spices like cardamom, fenugreek, fennel, and cinnamon.

In contrast to sugar, choose honey.

Avoid ingesting sugar with or in your meal; even better, swap it out for honey. Eating honey will not only improve flavour but also make it easier to lose weight and reduce mucus.

Pay attention to what you eat.

Just eat whenever you feel like it! Avoid being distracted by excessive talk or TV. Eating while paying attention to it turns eating into meditation, and when you eat while paying attention, you won’t eat too much—just the proper quantity.


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